Start/stop recording in your Windows Teams rooms

Long-awaited new feature coming soon to Microsoft Teams Rooms for devices Windows.
Starting with version 5.2 of the Teams Rooms application on Windows and with a Teams Rooms Pro license, users will now be able to start or stop the recording of their meetings directly from the Teams Rooms device.
This feature considerably simplifies the meeting recording process, giving conference room users greater flexibility.

When will this feature be available?

  • General availability (worldwide, GCC) –” mid-October 2024
  • General availability (GCC High) –” mid-November 2024
  • General availability (DoD) — December 2024

Impact on your organization

Before deployment :

Currently, when a user participates in a meeting from a Teams Rooms device on Windows, they have to connect to the meeting from another device (computer or mobile) in order to launch the recording.
This constraint can lead to complications, especially in environments where efficiency and simplicity are paramount.

After deployment :

With this new update, users will be able to start or stop recording directly from the “More” menu displayed on the Teams Rooms device screen.
This feature will be available for scheduled meetings, ad-hoc meetings, channel meetings (for channel members only), as well as Teams Cast sessions.

However, it is important to note that recording is only possible for participants belonging to the same tenant as the meeting organizer.
Furthermore, when recording “Meet now” or whiteboard sessions initiated from a Teams Rooms device, users must invite themselves to the meeting in order to access the recording files via the Teams application on their computer or mobile after the meeting.

Unsupported scenarios :

In some situations, the new recording feature cannot be used:

  • Teams one-to-one, group or PSTN calls
  • External and inter-tenant meetings and calls
  • Meetings and third-party calls via Direct Guest Join and SIP functionality

Configuration for Administrators

This feature will be enabled by default, but administrators will be able to configure it to suit their needs.
As an administrator, you’ll be able to allow or block users, including room accounts, from recording meetings by adjusting recording policies via the Teams Administration Center or using PowerShell.

Important note: Both the meeting organizer and the room account must have recording permissions enabled for the recording option to be available.
If the organizer removes these permissions for the room, the record button will not be accessible.

⚠️ Finally, it is advisable not to assign OneDrive for Business licenses to room accounts, to avoid these accounts becoming owners of the registration files. ⚠️

What you need to do to prepare :

  • Once your Teams Rooms devices have been updated to version 5.2, configure the meeting recording policies to suit your needs.
  • Inform your users of this change, and update your internal training and documentation.
  • No action is required on the part of administrators prior to deployment, which will take place automatically.

This update will greatly simplify the management of meeting recordings for room users, while giving administrators control over recording authorizations.
A welcome development for all organizations using Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows.

With this new feature, Microsoft continues to enhance the Teams Rooms user experience, enabling even smoother, more intuitive collaboration.
Keep an eye out for this update coming in October 2024!


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