
"Knowledge is Sharing the Knowledge That Makes Us Grow. " Olivier Lockert

How I eliminated 4,370 Viva Engage jobs with Power Automate

A few days ago, by mistake, I flooded/flooded an internal office community in Viva Engage, dedicated to informing my colleagues about the latest Microsoft Teams news. It was not intentional, I assure you! This was the result of a mistake I made when trying to optimize my Power Automate flows.

Power Automate WP > Yammer

In a previous article last month, (see here) I showed you how to configure Power automate, in order to republish my articles, including the mention [Microsoft Teams] in the title of my old blog, to Yammer, using RSS feeds. Now that I have migrated my blog to a dedicated WordPress

RSS feed to Yammer

In order to share the knowledge that I acquire throughout my various professional mandates with our internal team at Solulan, I have set up a Power Automate flow that aims, for the moment to synchronize only my posts that I write on my blog AND that contains in its title

Want to Migrate or Connect Your Phone System to Teams?

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