
"Knowledge is Sharing the Knowledge That Makes Us Grow. " Olivier Lockert

Microsoft Copilot mobile application

In this festive end-of-year period, Microsoft has discreetly launched their free free of Microsoft Copilot, a revolutionary assistant at your fingertips. This silent exit during the holidays took everyone by surprise! Copilot’s mobile application promises to change the way you work, making your daily tasks easier, more flexible and mobile.

Empty the Teams client cache

If you use Microsoft Teams frequently, you may have encountered situations where the application doesn’t seem to work as efficiently as usual. Delays in changing your colleagues’ attendance, files that stubbornly refuse to synchronize, or calls that don’t connect as quickly as desired can all be signs that it may

PowerShell module update v5.8.1

Microsoft has released a new version of their PowerShell Module, version 5.8.1. This version is a public pre-release and contains the following update: Added support for managed identity-based authentication for *-Cs command cmdlets using the -Identity parameter in Connect-MicrosoftTeams. Visit [cmdlets de commande]( that do not support application-based authentication are

How I eliminated 4,370 Viva Engage jobs with Power Automate

A few days ago, by mistake, I flooded/flooded an internal office community in Viva Engage, dedicated to informing my colleagues about the latest Microsoft Teams news. It was not intentional, I assure you! This was the result of a mistake I made when trying to optimize my Power Automate flows.

MTRoA update December 2023

Microsoft is releasing 2 (two ) new updates for Microsoft Teams Android (MTRoA ) room devices, versions 1449/ and 1449/  These updates, released in December 2023, are accompanied by bug fixes designed to improve the stability of the Teams application.  What’s new in this version 🔧 Bug fixes for application

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