
"Knowledge is Sharing the Knowledge That Makes Us Grow. " Olivier Lockert

Digital signage in your Teams rooms

Your users will soon be able to see dynamic, engaging and relevant content on the main screen of Microsoft Teams rooms on Windows, when the device is not in use. Administrators can remotely configure digital signage parameters at tenant and room level via the Teams Rooms Pro Management portal. Integrations

Queue application available in August

The new queuing application in Teams, which I told you about in a previous article –” HERE, will be available next month and as expected, it will be included in the Microsoft Teams Premium license! As you can see below, it’s now part of the Teams Premium license details. I

Music on hold via streaming service

Microsoft Teams continues to innovate and improve the user experience with the introduction of a new music streaming feature. This feature is now generally available thanks to collaboration between Microsoft and Easy On Holda streaming music service provider. What is Music on Hold? Music on hold is a feature that

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