
"Knowledge is Sharing the Knowledge That Makes Us Grow. " Olivier Lockert

What’s new at Ignite 2024?

At the Microsoft Ignite 2024 event, several major announcements were made, highlighting the latest innovations and enhancements to Microsoft’s products and services. Here’s an overview of the new features that made the biggest impression on me: New Microsoft 365 logo The Microsoft 365 logo will change to the Copilot logo

Poly G7500 certified for Android Teams Room

Poly announced it recently during Microsoft’s Ignite (here). Their Poly G7500 is now certified for Teams Room under Android (MTRoA). The flexibility of the Poly G7500 will be a game changer in the Microsoft Teams world, especially for customers who want to reuse and rejuvenate existing meeting spaces without starting from

Microsoft Ignite 2022

Microsoft Ignite is an annual conference for developers and IT professionals hosted by Microsoft. It takes place at the same time in several places around the world (North America, Europe, UK, China…). This event lasts an average of three to five days and consists of presentation sessions, whiteboarding and hands-on

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