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"Knowledge is Sharing the Knowledge That Makes Us Grow. " Olivier Lockert

Neat Board 50 and Application Hub

A few days ago, Neat presented us with their latest innovations, revealing their new Neat Board 50 and its revolutionary companion, theApp-Hub. Neat Board 50 The Neat Board 50 is an all-in-one videoconferencing system all-in-one that pushes the boundaries of the virtual meeting experience. With its 50-inch 4K screen and

Neat. pulse

Another new feature from ISE 2023 (Integrated Systems Europe), Neat unveils their equipment management tool which they will call the Neat Pulse. Neat Pulse will allow you to control all your Neat devices through a simple, yet powerful and intuitive user interface. Complement the Microsoft Teams Administration Center (TAC) by

Neat Center

After Logitech with the Logitech Sight, it’s Neat ‘s turn to release their centerpiece companion that will allow remote participants to better see and hear those in the meeting room. Scheduled forfall 2023, the Neat Center will partner with Neat Bar, Neat Bar Pro or Neat Board to extend the

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