
"Knowledge is Sharing the Knowledge That Makes Us Grow. " Olivier Lockert

MTRoW update

Microsoft unveils a new update for Microsoft Teams Room Devices for Windows (MTRoW). Features with the icon are only available for rooms with a Teams Pro license. This new version includes the following updates: IntelliFrame Cloud Cloud IntelliFrame makes non-intelligent (AI) cameras smarter. With Cloud IntelliFrame, participants in the room

Update to PowerShell Module v5.5.0

Microsoft has released a new version of their PowerShell Module, version 5.5.0. This version is now generally available and contains updates such as : New cmdlet: New-CsTeamsHiddenTemplate  New cmdlet: [New|Get|Set|Remove]-CsTeamsTemplatePermissionPolicy  Adds a new parameter -IncludePhoneNumbers to the Get-CsTenantNetworkSite cmdlet EnableShiftPresence parameter removed from TeamsShiftsPolicy New implementations [Get|Set]-CsTeamsUpgradeConfiguration, [Get|Set|Remove|New]-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy, [Get|Set|Remove|New]-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingApplication, New-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPairedApplication For

Content Camera support on Android

With update 1449/ (June 2023), Android-based Teams Rooms will now support the following features: GCC-H support Intelligent camera controls Content camera Changing the main camera Changing the default meeting layout Source Microsoft – Learn

Shared calls in Teams

Once again, Microsoft Inspire has some exciting surprises in store for us this year, including the announcement of shared calls in Microsoft Teams. The shared call option in Microsoft Teams is here to shake up the rules of the game when it comes to collaboration and communication. What is the

Bell new Connected Operator

Congratulations to Bell for joining the list of connected operators for Microsoft Teams. Bell becomes the 68th operator to be added to this list! If you have an existing contract with Bell and would like to migrate your business phone system to Microsoft Teams, it’s now possible. With Bell, you’ll

Copilot in Teams telephony

Microsoft Inspire, Microsoft’s annual conference for partners and developers, was the scene of some exciting announcements this year. Among the new features unveiled, the Copilot functionality in Microsoft Teams telephony stands out as a revolution in the world of professional communication.  The idea behind Copilot is simple:  provides proactive assistance

Agentless queue

Good news! Microsoft updates the behavior of its queues when no one is logged in. It will now be possible to route calls elsewhere when no one is logged in or registered in a call queue. Options include routing calls to another queue, disconnecting the call, sending the call to

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