Yealink series E2 Android 13 + MDEP phone

Yealink unveils the E2 series, a Microsoft Teams desktop phone featuring Android 13 and ready for Microsoft’s MDEP platform based on AOSP (Android Open Source Platform).

Yealink is a world leader in communication solutions for professional environments.
In close partnership with Microsoft, these phones harness the power of the MDEP (Microsoft Device Ecosystem Platform), bringing a range of advantages in terms of performance, integration and simplified management.
In this article, I present these new phones, as well as the advantages of using the MDEP platform.

The new Yealink phone series is specifically designed to deliver high-quality communication in Microsoft Teams environments.
Whether you’re in the office or working from home, these phones simplify collaboration with an easy-to-use user interface and direct access to Teams features.

The new Yealink phone series is based on the MDEP(Microsoft Device Ecosystem Platform), a solution developed by Microsoft to harmonize and standardize the devices in its ecosystem.
For more information on the MDEP platform, please see my article on the subject –” HERE

Yealink is the first manufacturer to certify its phones running Android 13 and based on the MDEP platform.
In so doing, they demonstrate their leadership in technological innovation and compatibility with the Microsoft ecosystem.


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