
"Knowledge is Sharing the Knowledge That Makes Us Grow. " Olivier Lockert

Queue application available in August

The new queuing application in Teams, which I told you about in a previous article –” HERE, will be available next month and as expected, it will be included in the Microsoft Teams Premium license! As you can see below, it’s now part of the Teams Premium license details. I

Teams Premium adoption kit

Microsoft has recently launched an adoption kit for the Microsoft Teams Premium license. This license brings you the latest technologies to make your meetings more intelligent, personalized and protected. Whether for one-to-one meetings, large meetings, virtual appointments or webinars, Teams Premium is here to help! The main lines As the

Microsoft Teams Premium Overview

Microsoft announced at Ignite that the Microsoft Teams Premium license is now available as a free trial. Not all features are available yet in this trial version, but this will be added as time goes by. However, you can add it to your Office 365 account, in order to prepare

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