
"Knowledge is Sharing the Knowledge That Makes Us Grow. " Olivier Lockert

MTRoW update

Microsoft has released the update for Teams Rooms on Windows, introducing a series of innovative features and significant improvements that promise to enrich the user experience. New Teams client: This update integrates the new Teams application now available on the Teams desktop client with Microsoft Teams conference rooms on

MTRoW remote access now available

Available since April 23rdMicrosoft Teams Rooms Pro management allows Teams Rooms Pro managers to securely connect remotely to a Teams Rooms device via the Teams Room Pro management portal to resolve hardware and/or software configuration issues on Teams Rooms devices on Windows. Teams Rooms Pro Management remote access supports all

InfoTelecom 2024

For those in the know today I’m giving a presentation on Microsoft shared strategies, as well as an overview of the Anywhere365 contact center. Below you’ll find my content. Thank you to everyone who came to my performance and to the organizers of InfoTélécom 2024. Présentation InfoTélécom Télécharger

Teams innovations at Enterprise Connect 2024

Microsoft recently unveiled a series of exciting innovations for Microsoft Teams atEnterprise Connect 2024. For those of you who don’t know what Enterprise Connect is, it’s an annual conference focusing on business communication technologies. It brings together industry leaders, solution providers, technical experts and IT professionals to discuss trends, challenges

PowerShell module update v6.1.0

Microsoft has released a new version of their PowerShell Module, version 6.1.0. This version is now generally available and contains the following updates: Adds the BlockAllSubDomains parameter to the Set-CsTenantFederationConfiguration cmdlet. Adds new parameters to [Set|New]-CsCallQueue cmdlets to configure the courtesy callback. Publishes cmdlets [Get|New|Set|Grant]-CsTeamsMediaConnectivityPolicy. Publishes cmdlets [Get|New|Set|Grant]-CsTeamsWorkLocationDetectionPolicy. [CHANGEMENT MAJEUR]

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