
"Knowledge is Sharing the Knowledge That Makes Us Grow. " Olivier Lockert

Jabra unveils Speak 2 series

Jabra unveils a brand new series, the speak2 series, of mobile tabletop speakers. The new Jabra Speak2 range offers professional, handheld and portable devices designed for hybrid work. The new Speak2 range raises the bar even higher. Its advanced technology puts you at the center of the game by rendering

AA/QC modification by authorized users

Feature very requested by our customers, the management of automated menus (Auto Attendant) and queues (Call Queue) by users.  To adapt to changing environments, users will now be able to make adjustments to the greetings and announcements in their call queue/auto standard. This is needed more frequently than the IT help desk can

B&O Beoplay 500 Certified for Teams

This is it, Bang & Olufsen certifies their first hybrid work headphones, the BEOPLAY 500. According to the quick guide Bang & Olufsen would also have a mobile application to be able to manage the update of their products as well as add future features. I’m looking forward to seeing

Power BI AA and CQ Reports v3.0.7

Microsoft is releasing an updated version of their Power BI model of Auto Attendants, Call Queues and Agent Timelines historical reports to version 3.0.7. This version provides the following reports: The Auto Attendant Report displays analyses for incoming calls to your auto attendants. The Call Queue Report displays analyses for

Front Row on Android

Microsoft announced additional new features including the Front Row experience, a layout for hybrid meetings that allows users to see attendees remotely at eye level and on two screens for Android-based room equipment. Users will be able to see the chat in the right panel and the participants with raised

Ultrasound howling detection

Have you ever tried to join a Teams meeting when you are in a room already connected to your meeting so you can share content? If so, you may have noticed that this causes an infinite feedback loop, which results in an echo, and in most cases the echo quickly

Logitech’s Ghost project

At the ISE 2023 conference in Barcelona, Logitech unveiled their “ghost project” in collaboration with Steelcase, a holographic booth. This booth will allow you to follow a video conference while sitting comfortably on a sofa and you will have the impression that your interlocutor is in front of you. The

Simplified TAC navigation

Microsoft announces a simplified navigation of the Teams Admin Center portal. You will be able to pin to the default menu the sections you use most often. The feature will hide the least used left navigation menu items by default and provide administrators with the ability to pin them to

New MS-721 certification

Effective July 1, 2023, the Microsoft 365 Certified: Teams Voice Engineer Expert (MS-720) certification will be replaced by Microsoft 365 Certified: Collaboration Communications Systems Engineer Associate (MS-721), and both names will appear on your transcript.The MS-721 exam is currently available in beta and will be generally available in mid-March of

Control your Teams meeting via Stream Deck

Microsoft announced it yesterday, you will now be able to manage and control your Microsoft Teams meetings and webinars via a button on your Elgato Stream Deck. With hybrid work being the new norm today, people continue to present and attend meetings and webinars more and more remotely on Teams.

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