
"Knowledge is Sharing the Knowledge That Makes Us Grow. " Olivier Lockert

Grouping people together in the same room

“Roster Grouping for Proximity Join Participants”. This update enhances the meeting experience by automatically grouping people from the same room into a participant-level group when they join a meeting via the proximity join feature. When you’re in a room equipped with Teams Room on Windows and join a meeting with

Start/stop recording in your Windows Teams rooms

Long-awaited new feature coming soon to Microsoft Teams Rooms for devices Windows. Starting with version 5.2 of the Teams Rooms application on Windows and with a Teams Rooms Pro license, users will now be able to start or stop the recording of their meetings directly from the Teams Rooms device.

Digital signage in your Teams rooms

Your users will soon be able to see dynamic, engaging and relevant content on the main screen of Microsoft Teams rooms on Windows, when the device is not in use. Administrators can remotely configure digital signage parameters at tenant and room level via the Teams Rooms Pro Management portal. Integrations

MTRoW update

Microsoft has released the update for Teams Rooms on Windows, introducing a series of innovative features and significant improvements that promise to enrich the user experience. New Teams client: This update integrates the new Teams application now available on the Teams desktop client with Microsoft Teams conference rooms on

MTRoW remote access now available

Available since April 23rdMicrosoft Teams Rooms Pro management allows Teams Rooms Pro managers to securely connect remotely to a Teams Rooms device via the Teams Room Pro management portal to resolve hardware and/or software configuration issues on Teams Rooms devices on Windows. Teams Rooms Pro Management remote access supports all

Single-use code (OTP) for MTRoW

With the 4.19 update for Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows coming in November, Microsoft is introducing a new, simplified way to set up Teams Room on Windows. During the first start-up experience, the user will be able to enter a one-time secret code (OTP) to automatically retrieve the resource account

Windows 11 support for MTRoW Teams Rooms

Microsoft Teams rooms on Windows devices eligible to upgrade to Windows 11 will receive Windows 11 22H2 in May 2023. This will be offered and installed on devices with version 4.16 dot (a newer version than currently available). Devices that are not eligible due to an incompatible processor will

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