
"Knowledge is Sharing the Knowledge That Makes Us Grow. " Olivier Lockert

Logitech Brio 500 Series

Logitech’s new Brio Series will make your video meetings easier anywhere. This 1080p webcam is ready to use and certified for the major video conferencing platforms (Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and Zoom) . This new series comes with a lot of features: Automatic light correction ArtificialIntelligencebased image correction Two noise-cancelling

SIP Gateway & analog phones

Microsoft announced during this year’s Ignite, some ATA (Analog Telephone Adpater) , see the list below, will be Microsoft Teams compatible via the SIP Gateway. AudioCodes (MP-112 FXS, MP-114 FXS, MP-114 FXS_FXO, MP-118 FXS, MP-118 FXS_FXO, MP-124 FXS) Cisco (ATA 191, ATA 192) Poly (OBI 300, OBI 302) Source –”

The sign language view in Teams

Microsoft announces sign language view, a new experience in Microsoft Teams meetings. This new feature is intended to help signers – deaf/hard of hearing people, interpreters and others who use sign language. These people will be prioritized and positioned at the front of the stage, in a consistent location, throughout

Windows Teams Room vs. Android

Microsoft Teams rooms are AV-equipped rooms designed to provide a complete meeting experience including audio, video and content sharing for meetings of all sizes. Microsoft offers a wide range of options, including Teams rooms on Windows and Android. In this article we will see how to choose between the

Microsoft Teams Shared Device License

Micorosoft announces the shared device license . Indeed, Microsoft is evolving its software offerings to adapt to the new reality of hybrid work. The example here is the renaming of the existing Common Area Phone (CAP) license to the Teams Shared Device license to allow for broader functionality involving shared

Playbook for device deployment

Want to deploy Microsoft Teams rooms? The team at Microsoft has put together a great deployment manual to help you! This playbook will help you deploy your Microsoft Teams certified devices within your organization. You’ll also see example scenarios that include Microsoft Teams rooms, Teams phones, Teams panels, and Surface

Games for work application

Microsoft has announced the Games for Work application, developed by Microsoft Casual Games, an Xbox game studio. Now you can add a selection of games to your Microsoft Teams meetings. This will encourage new hires or teams in your company to communicate and get to know each other easily.

Pop-up window for incoming PSTN calls

Did you know that it is now possible with Microsoft Teams to display a pop-up window during a PSTN inbound  call? Indeed, this option is now generally available. To activate it, in Teams Admin Center under the menu Voice > Calling Policies, Administrators can now enable this feature. This will allow you to display useful information to

Poly TC10

After the TC8 controller, Poly now announces the TC10 a two-in-one touch control panel that will allow it to be used as a meeting room scheduler and controller inside the meeting room. The Poly TC10 touchscreen control panel makes meetings more productive and allows users to easily schedule workspaces and

Teams Progressive Web Application

Microsoft announces the general availability of support for the Microsoft Teams Progressive Web Application (PWA) as a feature of our current Web client for Linux clients. Those who use Linux on a daily basis and use Microsoft Teams as a collaboration and communication platform will now have all the features

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