Rename the General channel

Microsoft continues to enhance the Teams user experience by introducing a much-requested feature: the ability to rename the General channel within a team.
This update, based on user feedback, offers greater flexibility and customization for teams.

1. Why rename the General Channel?

Traditionally, every team created in Microsoft Teams included a default channel named “General”.
While convenient, this generic name didn’t always reflect the channel’s specificity or purpose.
Now, team owners can give the General channel a more meaningful name, making it easier to organize and navigate for all team members.

2. How do I rename the General Channel?

When creating a new team in the Microsoft Teams client, users must now define a name for the first channel.
This channel will no longer be named “General” by default.
To create a new team, simply click on the “+” button in the header and select “New team” from the context menu.
During this step, users can name the team’s first channel.
This channel cannot be archived or deleted, and will appear in alphabetical order with the other channels in the team.

3. Restrictions and Considerations

It is important to note that the name “General” can no longer be used for the first channel of new teams.
Furthermore, for an existing General channel that has been renamed, it will not be possible to revert to the “General” name.
This restriction is intended to encourage the use of more specific and meaningful channel names.

4. Impact on Organizations

This new functionality will be rolled out progressively from the end of August 2024, and should be completed by early September 2024 for general availability.
Users in GCC, GCC High and DoD environments will see this feature deployed between early and late September 2024.
Organizations can encourage their users to take advantage of this new capability to improve channel clarity and organization across their teams.

5. Preparation and documentation

To prepare for this update, we recommend updating internal documentation to inform users of this new feature.
This will ensure that all members of the organization are aware of and can use this feature as soon as it becomes available.


The ability to rename the General channel in Microsoft Teams is a long-awaited enhancement that offers users greater flexibility and personalization.
By enabling teams to give more meaningful names to their channels, Microsoft makes it easier to organize and navigate within teams, improving efficiency and collaboration.

For more information, see the Microsoft 365 roadmap, or the message in the reference below.


Microsoft | Message Center | MC814583

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