Did you know that Microsoft has recently updated Auto Attendant, making it easier for callers to identify your company’s employees with the same name? Indeed, it is now possible to add details such as your office location or department to help callers identify the right person. This feature has been available worldwide since the end of November 2024, and can be configured via Microsoft PowerShell.
Update details
This new feature for Microsoft Teams Phone makes it easier for callers to reach the right person. Callers can now select a recipient by saying their name or typing it on the telephone keypad (dual tone multi-frequency or DTMF). If there are several similar matches returned by the search engine, this could cause confusion for the caller. With this update, you can help callers reach the right person on the first try by including office or department information after the name.
For example, the system might suggest:
“For John Smith – Human Resources, press 1”
“For John Smith – Sales, press 2”
For more detailed information, see New-CsAutoAttendant -UserNameExtension.

How does it work?
First, make sure that your automatic switchboard is enabled for searching by name or extension, as shown below:
Then, via PowerShell, change the -UserNameExtension value to the one you require, as shown below.
Be sure to change the identity to that of your your Auto Attendant menu.
$aa = Get-CsAutoAttendant -Identity "1a1124d9-4435-40cf-8fad-c89c0abafc84"
$aa.UserNameExtension = "Office"
Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
The result should look like the screenshot below: