Occupancy status on Teams panels

Starting in March 2025, Microsoft Teams introduces an exciting feature for room panels that will change the way you manage your meeting spaces. Prior to this update, Microsoft Teams panels indicated room availability based solely on reservation data. But from now on, Teams panels will be able to intelligently use signals from Teams Rooms devices and occupancy sensors paired with these panels to indicate when a room is occupied. This avoids surprises when you find that an apparently available room is in fact occupied.

What changes?

  • Intelligent occupancy signage: the panels will display room occupancy based not only on reservations, but also on actual occupancy detected by sensors or the use of a Teams Rooms device.

  • Occupancy Status LED: The panel LED will adjust its color to reflect the occupancy status chosen by the administrator, providing a clear, visual indication of room availability.

  • Real-time Reservation Display: If a room is reserved via a Teams Rooms device on Android, a message will appear to inform the user inside the room that it has been reserved, inviting them to leave the room. This notification will be disabled by default, and will require activation by the administrator after the device has been paired.

What are the benefits for your organization?

This new feature will be enabled by default and will change the current room management experience. When a room is in use but not reserved, this can include scenarios where the user is on a call, presenting, brainstorming or projecting with a Teams Rooms device, or detected as occupied via a paired sensor.

This update will avoid situations where incorrect room availability causes interruptions and confusion. Room panels will provide a more accurate indication of room status, improving your space management.

Availability :

Deployment of this new feature is scheduled for the end of March 2025, and should be completed by early April 2025.


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