Direct Routing – Inventory of your telephone numbers

Microsoft announces the public release of the Direct Routing Inventory for all Microsoft Teams Phone customers. This new feature manages both assigned and unassigned phone numbers within Microsoft Teams Phone Number Management, simplifying the management and assignment of direct routing numbers via Teams PowerShell cmdlets.

What is the Direct Routing inventory?

Direct Routing Inventory is a feature that allows companies to efficiently manage their assigned and unassigned phone numbers directly in the Teams administration portal. Here are some key points:

  • Managing assigned and unassigned numbers: You can now manage all your phone numbers, assigned and unassigned, directly in Microsoft Teams.
  • Retention of Unassigned Numbers: Unassigned direct routing numbers will no longer be removed from Teams phone number management. To release them, use the
  • Simplified number assignment: management and assignment of direct routing numbers is simplified via Teams PowerShell cmdlets.

When will this feature be available?

  • General availability (Worldwide, GCC): The feature is already deployed and available for use via Teams PowerShell cmdlets.
  • Preview in the Teams Administration Portal: Currently in preview, this feature will be available to all customers from mid-February 2025.

Impact on your organization

This new feature introduces a behavioral change for unassigned direct routing numbers in Teams phone number management. From now on, an unassigned direct routing number will no longer be removed from Teams phone number management. If you don’t want to keep these numbers, use the New-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberReleaseOrder cmdlet to free them.

Necessary preparation

No action is required on your part to prepare for this update. We recommend that you consult our public documentation for details of this feature.
For detailed instructions on how to use these cmdlets, please consult the following cmdlets:



Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Inventory is a major breakthrough for businesses using Microsoft Teams Phone. By integrating this functionality, you can manage your phone numbers more efficiently, simplify assignment and improve the overall management of your communications. No more managing through an Excel spreadsheet or SharePoint list!

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