Join Zoom meetings with ID and password on Android

Did you know that you can now join a Zoom meeting directly from your Teams room, simply by using the meeting ID and password?

This new feature aims to simplify the videoconferencing experience by enabling seamless integration between Microsoft Teams and Zoom.
Whether you have a meeting scheduled on Zoom or need to join an impromptu session, this feature gives you the flexibility to stay connected without having to juggle between different platforms.

How does it work?

  1. Access your Teams room on Android: Make sure your device is up to date with the latest version of the Teams application.
  2. Enter Zoom meeting ID and password: A new option in the Teams interface lets you enter this information directly.
  3. Join the meeting: In just a few clicks, you’ll be connected to your Zoom meeting, ready to collaborate with your colleagues and partners.

This feature is particularly useful for businesses that use both Microsoft Teams and Zoom, offering an integrated solution for all your communication needs.
I hope this update improves your productivity and facilitates your professional interactions with colleagues and customers!


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