Callback for call queues

Eligible callers waiting in a queue will soon be able to receive a callback on their telephone number when an agent becomes available. Callers become eligible for a callback based on conditions configured by administrators, such as exceeding a certain waiting time, the number of calls in the queue or the call/agent ratio. Once the music on hold has finished playing, eligible callers can request a callback. Administrators can customize the message, key press and email notification for failed callbacks.

This new feature enhances callers’ experience by reducing their waiting time and offering them a convenient alternative. For example, if a caller has been waiting too long, or if the queue is too long, they can choose to receive a callback rather than continue waiting. This also enables agents to handle incoming calls more efficiently and distribute their workload more evenly.

Administrators can configure this feature to suit the specific needs of their organization. They can define eligibility conditions for callbacks, customize the messages delivered to callers, and configure notifications in the event of callback failure. This allows great flexibility and adaptation to different usage scenarios.


Callers become eligible for a callback based on conditions configured by administrators such as :

  • Exceed a certain waiting time,
  • The number of calls in the queue,
  • Call/agent ratio.

To find out more about setting reminders for call queues, see the source section of this article.

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