Update of UDP signaling ports for Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams continues to evolve to deliver an optimal user experience.
As part of this continuous improvement, a significant update to the UDP signaling ports used for calls and meetings will be deployed.
This update aims to improve efficiency and simplify port management.

Upcoming changes

Microsoft Teams currently uses the dynamic UDP source ports 49152-65535 for calls and meetings.
These ports are used for various features such as mute, hold, add participants and feedback.
FromOctober 2024, Teams will switch to UDP source ports 50070-50089, while maintaining the UDP destination port at 3478.

Why the change?

The aim of this change is to reduce the number of ports used, simplifying management and enabling DSCP Quality of Service (QoS) markers to be applied to this traffic.
By reducing the port range, Microsoft Teams improves the efficiency and security of your communications.

When will it happen?

The general availability of this update is scheduled for early October 2024.
Deployment will start at the beginning of the month and should be completed by the end of the first week of October.

What you need to do to get ready

Administrators should allow UDP source ports 50070-50089 to destination ports 3478 at the specified Microsoft Teams IP addresses (,, 2603:1063::/38).
Since the new range is a smaller subset of the existing ranges, no changes should be necessary for administrators who already allow UDP signaling.

Read more

For more information, see the Source section below to access the Microsoft 365 Message Center and also access the Microsoft 365 URLs and IP address ranges on Microsoft Learn.


This update to UDP signaling ports is an important step in improving the efficiency and management of calls and meetings in Microsoft Teams.
Preparing for this change will help ensure a smooth transition and a better user experience for your business.


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