MTRoW end of support Skype Enterprise

It’s time, Microsoft is making strategic decisions to unify their communication services and offer a more coherent user experience. With this in mind, Microsoft has announced the end of support for Skype for Business meetings in Microsoft Teams rooms. Skype for Business, a previously popular solution for business meetings, is being phased out in favor of Microsoft Teams. Microsoft has been encouraging companies to migrate to Teams for several years now, and ending support for Skype for Business meetings in Microsoft Teams rooms is the next logical step in this transition.

From October 1, 2023, Teams rooms will no longer support connections to the Skype Enterprise server, impacting a small number of customers using on-premises configurations. With this modification, the following meeting mode options will no longer be available in the Teams Rooms application settings on Windows
(version 4.19)

  • Skype for Business (default) and Microsoft Teams
  • Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams (default)
  • Skype for Business only

In addition to the modes listed above, all settings related to Skype Business will be removed from the device settings and configuration experience. The existing home screen that supported Skype Enterprise Server in Windows Teams rooms will also no longer be available.

This year, in the Teams Rooms application for Windows (version 4.16), Microsoft had introduced a new user experience that offers a more modern look and consistent experience across all Teams devices. With this change, the setting used to “unsubscribe” from the new experience (TeamsRoomsNewExperience) will also be removed. This means that the new user interface will now be the default.

What does this mean for users?

The end of support for Skype for Business meeting modes in Microsoft Teams rooms means that users will need to ensure that their communications infrastructures are aligned with Microsoft Teams. If you’re an organization that still has a local Skype Enterprise architecture, I recommend that you plan your transition to Microsoft Teams. The transition to Microsoft Teams offers the opportunity for unified collaboration, with extended chat, file sharing, application integration and much more.


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