Direct Routing Test of the new certificate authority on September 5

On September 5 (from 9 a.m. UTC), Microsoft will run a 24-hour test during which all Microsoft SIP endpoints will be switched over to use certificates whose certificate chain will be bundled up to the “DigiCert Global Root G2” certification authority (CA).

  • MicrIf your SBC does not trust this certification authority, you may not be able to connect to SIP Teams endpoints. This means that your calls over the public network with your Teams client will not work on September 5.

If you’d like to test and confirm your SBC certificate configuration before the change, Microsoft has prepared a test endpoint that can be used to verify that your SBC Phone Gateways trust the certificates issued by the new root certificate authority (DigiCert Global Root G2). This endpoint should only be used for SIP OPTIONS ping messages and not for voice traffic. If your SBC can establish a TLS connection to this endpoint, your connectivity to Teams services should not be affected by the change.

  • Test endpoint:
  • Port number: 5061


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