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Power Automate WP > Yammer

In a previous article last month, (see here) I showed you how to configure Power automate, in order to republish my articles, including the mention [Microsoft Teams] in the title of my old blog, to Yammer, using RSS feeds.

Now that I have migrated my blog to a dedicated WordPress , I had to modify my flow a bit to keep it running.

First, I changed the trigger by the one of WordPress, already provided in Power Automate. While doing this I also had to create an authorization token to my wordpress so that the flow could access it.

With this trigger, I already get output content in JSON format.

So I then added a step to analyze the body of the article I am publishing.

To validate that my article is categorized content like Microsoft Teams, I also added a validation step for the published category.

If the condition is validated, then I created a “apply to each” step to retrieve the content of the published article body.

Finally, I republish my article on Yammer via the same connector used before called “Publish the message” provided by Power Automate.

That’s it! If you ever find a better way to do this, let me know in the comments, or contact me.


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