Yealink SmartVision 60

Microsoft announced it at Ignite 2022, Yealink will be the first to release a 360-degree panoramic camera in the center of the room designed for Microsoft Teams rooms. Microsoft engineers, in partnership with Yealink, Intel, NVIDIA and Ricoh, built and designed the camera from scratch. The product should be available early next year 2023.

The Yealink SmartVision 60 will provide multiple video streams, allowing remote participants to see each person in the room in their own video image. The camera will also support active tracking of the speaker using artificial intelligence, helping remote participants identify who is speaking in the room. In the coming months, it will also support the recognition of people who will be filmed in the room. With the 360° coverage and the central perspective of the table, no one in the room will be able to hide Silly laughter. With two sets of multi-functional microphones, the SmartVision 60 easily covers an audio pickup radius of 20 feet (6 m) from all angles in average rooms, while supporting intelligent audio features. With two sets of multi-functional microphones, the SmartVision 60 will easily cover an audio pickup radius of 20 feet (6 m) from all angles in average rooms, while supporting intelligent audio features.

The shape of this new camera, reminds me a lot of those of Polycom, the CX series (cx5100) which were available with Skype for Business.

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