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Interface improvement during transfer

Genesys Cloud, one of the world’s leading cloud contact center solutions, recently unveiled a major user interface update designed to improve efficiency and agent experience. One of the most notable aspects of this update is the new transfer interface, designed to simplify and speed up the call transfer process. In this article, I’ll give you an overview of this new interface and explain how you can activate it for your organization.

Why a new transfer interface?

The updated Genesys Cloud transfer interface has been designed in response to user feedback and the growing needs of modern contact centers. Call transfers are an essential part of the customer experience, and it’s crucial that this functionality is efficient, intuitive and fast.

With the old transfer interface, some agents could experience a certain complexity in the call transfer process, which could lead to errors and delays. The new transfer interface aims to solve these problems by simplifying the procedure and providing agents with rapid access to transfer options.

The key benefits of this new transfer interface

  1. Intuitive interface
    The new transfer interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. Agents can quickly identify the available transfer options and choose the best one for the customer’s needs.
  2. Enhanced transfer options
    With the update, Genesys Cloud has introduced new transfer options that allow agents to transfer calls more flexibly. Whether it’s a blind transfer, a supervised transfer or a transfer to a specific group, agents now have greater control over how they direct calls.
  3. Search made easy
    The new transfer interface incorporates an enhanced search function, enabling agents to quickly find the transfer recipient by entering their name, telephone number or other relevant information.
  4. Status overview
    Agents can now view the real-time status of other agents or groups before deciding on a transfer. This optimizes decision-making according to the availability and workload of potential recipients.
  5. Time-saving
    By reducing the complexity of the transfer process and offering more intuitive features, the new transfer interface saves time for agents, resulting in greater productivity and a better customer experience.

How to access the new transfer interface

To access the new transfer interface in Genesys Cloud, simply fill in the form –”

In conclusion, the new transfer interface in Genesys Cloud is a significant step forward in improving contact center efficiency and agent experience. With its intuitive features, enhanced transfer options and easy search, it will help your agents save time and better serve your customers. If you use Genesys Cloud, don’t miss this major update that can transform the way you manage call transfers.


For more information and tips on using this new transfer interface, please consult the official source on the Genesys community.

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