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Virtual reception

With the new update (1449/ of the application on Microsoft Teams screens the virtual reception functionality is now generally available! Virtual reception lets you welcome and serve visitors or employees via a video call on a Teams screen. It can be used for virtual reception, helpdesk and a variety of use cases in all sectors. IT administrators can easily configure virtual reception with contact and routing information. This feature is available on Teams-certified screens with the Teams license for shared devices. Thanks to this new feature, you can : 

  • Offer a friendly and professional welcome to your guests and/or customers
  • Put your customers and/or visitors in touch with the right person or service
  • Offer remote assistance with high-quality sound and video

How do I configure it?

The first thing you need to do is assign a shared device license to the account you want to use for your virtual reception. You’ll also need to set up a hot-desking policy and assign it to this account. Once you are authenticated on your Teams screen, follow the video guide below:


As you can see, setting it up is pretty straightforward. I wish Microsoft had come up with a solution for mass deployment, but who knows, maybe it’ll come in a future update? I didn’t mention it above, but you should know that you can of course, instead of calling a user, call a switchboard or a queue 😉


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