The new Teams application

The conference
Enterprise Connect
is just getting underway in Orlando, Florida, as Microsoft unveils their brand new Teams application dedicated to being faster, simpler, more flexible and smarter. It is now available in public pre-release.

Faster application

In order to test their new application, Microsoft partnered with an independent benchmarking company,
which tested the performance of the new Teams application and the classic version on three different machines (low-end, general purpose and high-performance). GigaOm conducted tests comparing the new Teams application to the classic application on criteria such as installation behavior, application responsiveness and impact on system resources such as RAM and disk space. Here are some of their findings:

  • Launch the application up to 2 times faster
  • Join meetings up to 2 times faster
  • Switch chat/channels up to 1.7 times faster
  • Consumes up to 50% less memory
  • Consumes up to 70% less disk space

With the new Microsoft Teams application, you’ll feel the difference in speed to help you stay focused in your work. This has been made possible, among other things, by the transition from Electron to WebView2 which allows the integration of web technologies (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) into a native application such as Microsoft Teams. See for yourself:

Simpler application

The new app will be simpler, which is why the new Teams app allows you to do more with fewer clicks. Here are some of the improvements that Microsoft brings with the new application:

  • Simplified actions: less clutter simplifies notifications, search, messages and channels
  • Personalized experiences: themed conversations, customizable group chats and interactive emojis offer users more expressive collaboration
  • Streamlined meetings: updates to the pre-meeting experience, gallery view and screen sharing remove barriers to effective meetings

More flexible application

Microsoft has improved the authentication model, synchronization and notification system to provide a seamless and consistent experience. For example, many customers need to collaborate with people across organizational boundaries, which sometimes means they use Teams across multiple organizations and accounts. Instead of logging in and out of different tenants and accounts, you can now stay logged in and receive notifications regardless of which one you are currently using.

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