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Pronouns in your profile

Did you know that the pronoun feature is now in
public pre-release
and that as a Microsoft 365 administrator, you can activate it for your company?

In today’s world, where almost everyone works in hybrid mode, it is sometimes difficult to know if the person you are talking to via instant messaging, email or phone call is a man, a woman or another gender. Microsoft has therefore made it possible for Microsoft 365 administrators to enable or disable pronouns.

Pronouns are the words we use to replace someone’s name in a sentence, such as “him”, “he”, “her”, “she” or “them”, “they”. The pronoun feature is disabled by default and requires configuration to be enabled by a Microsoft 365 administrator.

How to activate it?

The activation of the pronoun function is simple. As a Global Admin, select the link below, or go to the Settings menu > Organization settings and search for your Microsoft 365 tenant’ s pronouns . Then simply activate the option as below.

How to configure it as a user?

If you are lucky enough to be one of the companies that have enabled the public pre-release mode, you will be able to set up your pronoun via your Microsoft Teams client, otherwise you will be able to set it up with Outlook on the web only. For more details on its activation I suggest you watch my little guide on YouTube below. By the way, feel free to like, share and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

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