SIP Gateway-compatible algorithm

At Ignite 2023, Microsoft is announcing a wide variety of devices compatible with their SIP gateway functionality, with the addition of Algo SIP devices natively! Algo SIP devices are renowned for their versatility and ability to adapt to a wide range of communication scenarios. Whether for conferences, individual calls or group interactions, these devices deliver a smooth, professional experience. The integration of Algo SIP devices into the Microsoft Teams SIP Gateway paves the way for hassle-free collaboration. Users can now take advantage of advanced functionalities directly from their Teams platform, simplifying their day-to-day operations. The addition of Algo SIP devices to Microsoft Teams’ SIP Gateway compatibility opens up new prospects for companies looking to maximize their investment in collaborative communication. This synergy between the versatility of Algo SIP devices and the power of Microsoft Teams creates a smooth, efficient communications experience. When registered with the Microsoft Teams SIP Gateway, Algo endpoints can be configured to host dozens of different applications, from IP broadcasting to emergency alerting to hands-free communication with visitors.

List of compatible termination points :

IP Speakers

IP Intercom

IP Visual Alerters

IP Paging Adapter

IP Display Speakers


Algo SIP endpoints have been tested and certified for native compatibility with the Microsoft Teams SIP gateway. In order to deploy an Algo device, the following conditions must be met:

  • The Algo SIP endpoint must be running Algo firmware version 5.3.4 or later.
  • A Microsoft Teams license must be available in the Teams Administration Center. This is usually a shared device license, although it can also be associated with a full user license. Direct Inward Dialing (DID) must be associated with the license. Below is a step-by-step video showing how to set up an Algo device with Microsoft Teams.

Algo PDF Guide

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