Monetize Teams recording and transcription APIs

Microsoft Teams is a leading collaboration and communication solution for businesses and organizations worldwide. With its ever-expanding ecosystem of features and integrations, Teams continues to evolve to meet the dynamic needs of users. In a recent development, Microsoft introduced billing forrecording and transcription APIs in a public pre-release version, marking an important step towards enhancing the platform’s capabilities and monetization opportunities for developers.

The transition to monetization

On September 8, 2023, Microsoft announced the start of billing for its recording and transcription APIs. This update is particularly important for developers who have used these APIs to integrate recording and transcription functionalities into their applications. Prior to this announcement, these APIs were available free of charge to developers, but as the platform evolves, Microsoft is now moving towards monetization to ensure the sustainability and continuous improvement of the service.

These APIs support an evaluation quota of 600 minutes per application, per tenant, per month, which applications can use without setting up Azure billing configurations. To go beyond the evaluation quota, applications will need to set up an active Azure subscription for billing purposes. Once the application has been registered in Azure billing, it will be invoiced according to the rates below.


Under the new billing model, recording API calls will be billed at $0.03 per minute of recording content, while transcription will be billed at $0.024 per minute. These rates are very competitive and offer developers a cost-effective way of accessing these essential features within Microsoft Teams. Per-minute pricing ensures that developers only pay for actual API usage, making it a flexible option for applications with variable usage patterns.

The introduction of billing for recording and transcription APIs has several advantages for developers.

By monetizing these APIs, Microsoft is demonstrating its commitment to supporting developers and ensuring the sustainability of these integration opportunities. Developers can now build and maintain applications with confidence, knowing that the necessary resources will be available.

By generating revenue from these APIs, Microsoft will be able to allocate more resources to developing and enhancing their platform. This means that developers can expect enhanced functionality, increased reliability and continuous innovation.

The per-minute pricing model gives developers greater control over their costs. They only pay for actual API usage, which is particularly advantageous for applications with variable workloads.

Companies that rely on Microsoft Teams for their communication and collaboration needs will also benefit from this change. The availability of paid APIs ensures that developers have a strong incentive to create and maintain high-quality integrations, ultimately enriching the Teams experience for end users.


Microsoft’s decision to introduce billing for the recording and transcription APIs in public pre-release is a significant step forward in the evolution of Microsoft Teams. It demonstrates the company’s commitment to supporting developers and encouraging innovation within its ecosystem. With competitive pricing and a focus on sustainability, this initiative is set to have a positive impact on both developers and businesses, leading to a more robust and feature-rich Microsoft Teams experience for all. Developers are encouraged to explore the new pricing model and continue to create innovative solutions that improve collaboration and communication within Teams.


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