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Copilot in Teams telephony

Microsoft Inspire, Microsoft’s annual conference for partners and developers, was the scene of some exciting announcements this year. Among the new features unveiled, the Copilot functionality in Microsoft Teams telephony stands out as a revolution in the world of professional communication. 

The idea behind Copilot is simple:  provides proactive assistance during a call, so that users can access the information and resources they need without interrupting the conversation. Here’s how it works:

  1. Real-time transcription: Copilot uses natural language processing technologies to transcribe the words of callers during the call. This real-time transcription is displayed on-screen to enable participants to easily follow the key points of the discussion.

  2. Intelligent suggestions: Copilot’s algorithm analyzes the conversation and offers contextually relevant suggestions, such as links to documents, task reminders or specific information related to the topic being discussed.

  3. Task automation: Copilot can perform simple tasks such as scheduling meetings, sending reminders or taking notes, freeing users from administrative chores and allowing them to concentrate fully on exchanging ideas.

Below is an example of how Copilot is used in a VoIP call.

To understand the power of Copilot on your phone calls, imagine you’re a designer who needs to explain a new product to a potential customer. You use Teams Phone to call the customer and start a conversation. As the customer speaks, Copilot summarizes the call, capturing relevant questions about product features, benefits and pricing. This keeps you focused on landing the pitch and saves you time by summarizing the conversation. Copilot can also capture customer feedback and suggest next steps. You can then use this information to write a follow-up e-mail with additional content and information to answer the questions raised during the call. Using Copilot on your phone calls can help you improve your communication skills and save time on administrative tasks.

Copilot in Teams Phone supports VoIP and PSTN calls, so you can enjoy the benefits of real-time synthesis and information, whatever the type of call. Copilot in Teams Phone is now available to customers participating in the Microsoft 365 Copilot early access program.


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