AudioCodes RX-PAD

AudioCodes recently announced the RX-PAD, an intelligent touch controller that will complement AudioCodes’ meeting room solutions. The controller will allow for features such as one-click meeting initiation with a built-in calendar, simple content sharing and camera settings, and more, all while keeping the conference room table space modest. The 8″ touchscreen will be positioned in landscape mode and will have a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. The RX-PAD will ship with Android 9.0 but will be updated to Android 12 in the near future. The RX-PAD also has a proximity sensor.

The RX-PAD leverages plug-and-play simplicity to deliver a productive and familiar Microsoft Teams meeting experience, requiring only a single connection, an RJ45 PoE cable for quick setup. This cable is inserted into a clever compartment that prevents it from being accidentally disconnected by a meeting participant.

The RX-PAD will also be available as a kit with :

  • RXV81 MTR on Android video collaboration bar
  • RXV200 MTR on Android too (coming soon)


2 thoughts on “AudioCodes RX-PAD

  1. Thank you for sharing this John. The AudioCodes RX-PAD is certainly needed in an increasingly digital world where remote meetings have become the norm.

    1. Hey Will Thanks for sharing your thoughs ! And you’re right I currently see a lot of enthusiasm for this type of conference room equipment.

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