The sign language view in Teams

Microsoft announces sign language view, a new experience in Microsoft Teams meetings. This new feature is intended to help signers – deaf/hard of hearing people, interpreters and others who use sign language. These people will be prioritized and positioned at the front of the stage, in a consistent location, throughout each meeting.

Seeing sign language is a first step in meeting many of the community’s demands:

  • Keep video feeds from interpreters and other signers in a consistent location
  • Ensure that the video streams are the right shape and size for the sign language to be visible,
  • Enable participants to have up to two other signatories in view throughout each meeting
  • Reduce repetitive meeting setup tasks such as pinning interpreters and inserting captions at the beginning of each meeting.

When the sign language view is enabled, priority video streams automatically appear at the correct aspect ratio and are available in higher quality. Like pinning and captioning, the sign language view is personal to you and will not impact what others see in the meeting.

These features are just the beginning. Microsoft is committed to creating a Teams meeting experience that is not only accessible, but enjoyable, for deaf and hard-of-hearing participants.


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