Lync Hosted UM

In a Hybrid migration environment with Exchange On-Prem / Lync On-Prem and Office 365, I encountered two errors that actually come from misconfiguring the client’s Lync On-prem environment when setting up unified messaging on Office 365.
My post below will explain how to solve its mistakes and I hope it will help some people.

To ensure that your Lync and Office365 environment is properly configured, follow the guide below:

Migration date: April 01, 2015
Migration Type: Cutover Exchange 2010 + Lync Server 2010

Error: When someone makes an external call to one of your (real) DIDs, the call is established and then you have silence for 10 seconds and the call disconnects itself.

TL_INFO(TF_PROTOCOL) [0]06EC.0338::03/23/2015-13:52:42.936.00004043 (SIPStack,SIPAdminLog::TraceProtocolRecord:SIPAdminLog.cpp(125))$$begin_record
Trace-Correlation-Id: 2296834163
Instance-Id: 00007BA3
Direction: incoming;source=”internal edge”;destination=”external edge”
Message-Type: request
Start-Line: BYE;;transport=Tls SIP/2.0
From: <sip:5145551234;;user=phone>;epid=243D1C1F9C;tag=f2c0fa14b
To: <;user=phone>;epid=B0DAFC866A;tag=2fba11c27
CSeq: 4188 BYE
Call-ID: 7de706e8-f352-4432-87db-c8cded3ea3c9
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK1D42DA88.0FE7333822E35C4E;branched=FALSE
Max-Forwards: 69
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK5829a05a;ms-received-port=62509;ms-received-cid=283800
Route: <;transport=tls;opaque=state:Si;lr>,<;transport=tls;epid=B0DAFC866A;lr;ms-key-info=AAEAAWNkNZ52Q7PLZmXQATfPdNPzVASi5184zpoBaEerlIbtXy0Vl9catHmQazIWLWXvmCou-dQLXwsatbCV3r4e-9gv9UM-vd-mDRN9ZSvZy4X5fx88lSk57Ibs5S9neSb3FZ_YbTx-9DEGs4PUBLO9daUCz0wwcEorpbfRU-L4Oropjg4GjOLMsKL2bbrvdD_vorEAjqKQCoidxYytO2IH6ZWBiiBvRda8vfk2JAkm4sMckrP3LHNxGtCsK4Hxu8-AAgKBhLcJNh6yE6M2u_qFWEQ0n0m0PkG9aNL4Y6p6SsCYUhzUIPKpme0IWVMdjwBoE3hqNytQe5FMl3_7DIYF6UEswvKQ8CSKIpLkxrhnoW5YBz0HXKYeAqli9OAW39Jng8oN66LBvj9E1bAq0IuSTeHHafXXRuUVL9FQi3IF-mRVyZs1NA3dyiK4rdcm5zVGBlchsgvwRIZcGtGrum45CXZmU_-5aHzDVKg8IMQcriAP3PuZN58yohnnJMPGWj6yueksFvVmLFuZLdirtVl8rmay3PPZZJ2TUUo8rYbBaJEL4VRx65f5B0gHqz9HJ6zC2SmfaNajMEbaBGxsMb4e3iItlB9wStm6SK0ibU9YB8mejF_h7JKu3DU2ITgDAJ-REdD3zC8cvRCAp_Vwvg7bs6xVZm-jF17hq985SSv3bon2QJgmIn8Lo2Q3es_a;ms-route-sig=eeCF5CeEZksvPfPo2DdcvvbnTwgBlFIE8dAfGt7defsuy08iqnJJcXOgAA>
CONTACT: <;gruu;opaque=srvr:MediationServer:A9DaPGztc1SvALSwWMd8XAAA;grid=c55432bfc80f4633b1d10cb93050f8e2>;isGateway
SUPPORTED: ms-dialog-route-set-update
SUPPORTED: gruu-10
USER-AGENT: RTCC/ MediationServer
P-ASSERTED-IDENTITY: “JOHN DELETRE”<sip:5145551234;;user=phone>
ms-diagnostics: 22;source=””;reason=“Call failed to establish due to a media connectivity failure when both endpoints are internal”;component=”MediationServer”;Exception=”Proxy side ICE connectivity check failed.”;ICEWarningFlags=”ICEWarn=0x80120,LocalSite=,RemoteSite=,RemoteMR=,PortRange=49152:57500,RemoteMRTCPPort=50670,LocalLocation=2,RemoteLocation=2,FederationType=0″
ms-diagnostics-public: 22;reason=”Call failed to establish due to a media connectivity failure when both endpoints are internal”;component=”MediationServer”;Exception=”Proxy side ICE connectivity check failed.”
ms-endpoint-location-data: NetworkScope;ms-media-location-type=intranet
Message-Body: –

Cause: After various tests and a little research on the internet, it turns out that this error occurs when your Front End Mediation service is not associated with your Edge server. You can check this by running Get-CsService -MediationServer:

Identity :
Registrar :
SipServerPort : 5070
SipClientTcpPort : 5060
SipClientTlsPort : 5067
AudioPortStart : 49152
AudioPortCount : 8348
DependentServiceList : {PstnGateway:}
ServiceId: 1-MediationServer-3
SiteId : Site:CONTOSO
Version: 5
Role : MediationServer

Resolution: In my case, the EdgeServer line was empty. To associate your Edge server with your Mediation service, execute the following command:

Set-CsMediationServer -identity “” -EdgeServer

Date of migration: April 17, 2015
Migration Type: Hybrid Exchange 2010 + Lync Server 2010

Error: Unable to call an ExumContact either internally or externally

Cause: After various tests and a little research on the internet, it turns out that this error occurs when the DNS entry of type SRV is not configured in the local DNS.

Resolution: If you are in the same situation, simply add the local DNS entry making sure to put it in the default SIP domain.

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