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"Knowledge is Sharing the Knowledge That Makes Us Grow. " Olivier Lockert

Evolution of “Busy on Busy

Soon Microsoft will update the option called “Busy on Busy” which allows you to prevent a second call from appearing on your desktop, when you are already on a call or in a meeting. Indeed, the option is now in public pre-release and will allow administrators to let users choose

Teams Phone Mobile

Microsoft announced it at Ignite this year, the Teams Phone Mobile feature is now upon us. Microsoft Teams now has over 12 million users on the public network (PSTN). With Teams Phone Mobile, Microsoft adds the option of mobility on the cellular network. The vision here is to allow

Teams optimization ports update

Microsoft is updating their optimization IP addresses to Microsoft Teams. In fact, when you deploy Microsoft Teams within a company, Microsoft recommends that you open an IP address range to the cloud, excluding any SSL/SIP inspection engine , Antivirus, UTM… Microsoft therefore updates the range previously to No

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